Why do we use encoder for peristaltic pump speed control instead of a “pot”❓👇

Why do we use encoder for speed control instead of a “pot”❓👇

The advantages of the encoder include precision, due to the binary nature of these pulses, and the fact that you can spin the knob more than a single turn.

👉Infinite resolution ♾ = ultimate control 
Set your resolution i.e one turn = 10 rpm or one turn = 1 rpm 

👉You get that lovely clicking noise 😜

For help choosing a motor for your application, TAILOR made control boards for your specific application or any additional questions you might have live chat with our engineers on our website or email us on 

Why do we use encoder for adjusting speed instead of a "pot"?

#motors #silentcotrolboards #peristalticpump